In the Spring of 2022, as part of the Diocese of Richmond's Synodal process for the Synod on Synodality, the Saint Pius X parish community participated in roundtable discussions. The results of these conversations were compiled and supplied to the Diocese of Richmond in response to the synodal questions.
After submitting the response, Fr. Prince (the pastor) convened a strategic planning team to examine the findings further in the hopes of forming a working draft of a potential three year strategic plan. The team was able to identify strengths and opportunities for growth, organizing the findings in four pillars, a model offered by Fr. Prince.
Starting in the Fall of 2022 and into early 2023, the parishioners were invited to review the information from the working draft and participate in one-on-one interviews with a member of the strategic planning team. Parishioners shared their feedback on the roundtable discussions, which helped to refine the results from the Synod roundtable discussions and result in the parish's strategic plan.
In late-2023, Fr. Prince formed a Parish Synodality Team as one of his Advisory Boards. The team is approximately 10 parishioners of various backgrounds (age, ethnicity, gender, years at the parish, etc.). The team meets quarterly on a Sunday for approximately ninety minutes.
At each meeting, one of the four pillars is discussed. The team evaluates the pillar in relation to the strategic plan to ensure the parish is:
maintaining the areas of strength;
addressing the opportunities for growth;
discussing any areas within (1) and (2) above where the parish is "missing the mark" or "hitting the mark."
The Senior Staff member(s) aligned with the pillar under review are also present for the meeting to provide support and address any questions from the team.